We have initiateed a new stock emission. Read more here


Annual general meetings

The shareholders' meeting is SkiStar's highest decision-making body. The Annual General Meeting shall be held within six months of the end of the financial year. All shareholders who are listed in the register of shareholders and who have notified the Company of their intention to attend within the prescribed time are entitled to participate and vote according to the total number of shares owned.

Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee consists of representatives appointed by SkiStar's shareholders and prepares some of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee approved by the Annual General Meeting.

Board of directors

SkiStar AB's board of directors is chaired by the chairman Anders Sundström.

The above data on shareholdings and assignments in other companies are last updated as of 30 November 2024 unless otherwise specified. The holding relates to own and related natural or legal person's holding of shares and other financial instruments in SkiStar AB.


SkiStar's Group Management is headed by CEO Stefan Sjöstrand.

The above data on shareholdings and assignments in other companies are last updated as of 30 November 2024 unless otherwise specified. The holding relates to own and related natural or legal person's holding of shares and other financial instruments in SkiStar AB.

Organisational chart

Additional documents

Nomination committee

The Nomination Committee consists of representatives appointed by SkiStar's shareholders and prepares some of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee approved by the Annual General Meeting.

Principles for appointment of members to the nomination committee including instructions for the nomination committe.

In accordance with the principles for appointment of members, the nomination committee consists of members appointed by the four largest shareholders in SkiStar AB (publ) as per 31 March 2023.

The nomination committee consists of the following members:

  • Per Gullstrand, appointed by Ekhaga Utveckling AB
  • Anders Moberg, appointed by ACapital SS Holding AB
  • Niklas Johansson, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
  • Marianne Nilsson, appointed by Swedbank Robur

The nomination committee has appointed Per Gullstrand chairman of the committee.

If you want to make suggestions or get in touch with the SkiStar nomination committee, please do not hesitate to e-mail: valberedning@skistar.com. Or by mail to the following address:

SkiStar AB
Att: Nomination Committee
780 91 Sälen


At the Annual General Meeting on December 9, 2023, the accounting firm Deloitte AB was re-elected as the company's external auditor for a period of one year.

The audit is led by the authorized public accountant Kent Åkerlund.

The audit is continuously reported throughout the year to the group management and the audit committee. At least once a year, the auditor meets with the company's board of directors. The independence of the external auditor is regulated by a special working procedure for the audit committee decided by the company's board of directors, which specifies the areas in which the external auditor may be engaged in matters outside the regular audit work.

Fees to the auditor is paid on an on-account basis.



The General Meeting decides on the fees for the members of the Board of Directors as well as the guidelines for compensation to SkiStar's senior executives.


The Annual General Meeting of 2023 decided, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, that the total board fee shall amount to SEK 2,890,000, of which SEK 670,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 310,000 to each of the board members who are not employed by the company.

Members of the Audit Committee shall receive a total fee of SEK 240,000, of which SEK 120,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the committee and SEK 60,000 to each of the other two members. Members of the Compensation Committee shall receive a total fee of SEK 120,000, of which SEK 60,000 shall be paid to the Chairman of the committee and SEK 30,000 to each of the other two members.


The Annual General Meeting of 2023 decided on guidelines for compensation to senior executives in accordance with the Board's proposal.

Previous guidelines, etc.


There are no share-related incentive programs in the company.

Articles of association

The Articles of Association of SkiStar AB were adopted by the AGM on December 12, 2020.

The Articles of Association of SkiStar AB can be found here.

Governance documents

Description of SkiStar's governing documents

*Red box = Policy (overarching governing document expressing minimum requirements. Determined by SkiStar's board). Gray box = Directive (more detailed governing document that clarifies application. Determined by SkiStar's group management).

For more information on internal and external regulations that affect SkiStar's operations and governance, refererence is made to the corporate governance reports that can be found on this page.

All policies and other governing documents are available for all employees on the intranet SkiStar Hub. The governing documents deemed to be of most external relevance are also available below.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

SkiStar continuously meets the outside world in the form of, among other things, guests, suppliers and partners. The purpose of SkiStar's Code of Conduct is to gather the guidelines and values that form the basis for how we expect employees, partners, elected representatives and business partners to act towards each other and the outside world, and to provide support in daily work.

Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy

Sustainability and responsible business are of utmost priority for SkiStar. This is fundamental to building a company that is well equipped to take on future challenges and opportunities in a rapidly changing world. Therefore, we have developed long-term goals in line with Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement. In order to ensure a common endeavour in the work ahead and in order to reduce the exposure to identified risks linked to sustainability, this policy clarifies SkiStar’s overall view of the group’s sustainability issues and responsibilities.

Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct

Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct

SkiStar’s Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers and partners of the company. These are expected to act on the basis of provisions in this Code of Conduct. The supplier/partner shall in its agreements with subcontractors transfer these obligations to its subcontractors. In the event of any deviations from the Code of Conduct, SkiStar will take measures which, if correction is not possible or not taken, may mean that the supplier's business relationship with SkiStar is terminated.

Diversity Policy

Diversity Policy

This policy has been adopted to ensure that SkiStar has employees with the right competence and to ensure that SkiStar's employees have the opportunity for relevant further training by promoting equal development opportunities within the company. SkiStar shall be an employer where people with different backgrounds, abilities and experiences work together and have an open and affirmative culture where everyone is treated equally regardless of age, gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion, political views, functional variation or sexual orientation.

Quality Directive

Quality Directive

This directive is intended to be a benchmark, both for management and all employees, in the daily work of creating memorable mountain experiences, developing sustainable destinations, offering accommodation, activities, products and services of the highest quality with our guests in focus.

Sustainability governance

SkiStar’s sustainability work is based on the critical sustainability areas that have been identified as part of a materiality analysis.

The materiality analysis gives SkiStar the opportunity to live up to the expectations placed on the company by its stakeholders and enables it to meet the opportunities and challenges linked to aspects of sustainability. Read more about our materiality analysis on this page.


SkiStar’s sustainability work is based on the critical sustainability areas that have been identified as part of a materiality analysis. The materiality analysis gives SkiStar the opportunity to live up to the expectations placed on the company by its stakeholders and enables it to meet the opportunities and challenges linked to aspects of sustainability.


SkiStar is guided by several policies and regulatory documents that  clarify the company’s risks, risk management strategy and approach to achieving its objectives. All policies are reviewed annually and constitute a basic tool to ensure each employee at SkiStar can easily access information regarding how they are expected to act, when and for what reason.


SkiStar is exposed to various risks related to the business and the business model. In order to manage and work with the risks faced by the company, SkiStar engages systematically with risk assessment and risk management, covering all its business areas. SkiStar’s Board of Directors has overall responsibility for ensuring risk management is conducted, as well as managed efficiently and purposefully. In addition, sustainability risks are evaluated separately, including the following areas: environment, human rights, labour law and anti-corruption. SkiStar’s risk management relates to all risks associated with the company’s sustainability work and the company’s materiality analysis. SkiStar’s risk management is described in detail here.


SkiStar’s Code of Conduct has been determined by the company’s Board of Directors. The Code clarifies SkiStar’s guidelines and values, creates transparency and functions as a blueprint for how SkiStar’s employees should behave towards one another and the people they meet. It also explains that SkiStar supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact regarding human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption, as well as the ILO’s eight fundamental conventions concerning minimum standards for working conditions. SkiStar’s Code of Conduct is reviewed annually and is available to all employees via the intranet.


In addition to the overall Code of Conduct, SkiStar also operates according to several policies. The purpose of these policies is to create transparency and clarify how we intend to pursue operations with a long-term, sustainable approach to generate growth and develop the company. Annual online training is provided to increase awareness and understanding of how SkiStar is expected to act and respond to its operating environment. The training is also aimed at increasing understanding of how sustainability aspects should be observed in all areas of the business, and how they should be a natural consideration for every employee at all levels and in all decisions. All the company’s policies are available to SkiStar’s employees via the intranet. A review of all policies is carried out each year and they are covered in the annual training, alongside the Code of Conduct.


SkiStar aims to achieve full compliance with the company’s policies. For everyone to feel confident that the company is working towards shared goals, and to pick up on any possible policy breaches, SkiStar has established a whistleblower service. The service is designed to give all employees the opportunity to  anonymously report any suspicions of serious irregularities. The whistleblower service is a warning system aimed at reducing risks, preferably at an early stage in the chain of events. A whistleblower service is an important aspect of effective corporate governance and maintains public confidence in us as a company. Directives and procedures for reporting are available to all employees. No cases of SkiStar’s policies being violated were reported during the year.


Effective partnerships and responsible procurement of suppliers are an important factor in the ongoing sustainable development of  operational activities. SkiStar works with many different suppliers within the company’s various business areas. Both price and the length of the business relationship with each supplier consequently vary. SkiStar applies a Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out the expectations SkiStar has of its suppliers. SkiStar’s Supplier Code of Conduct includes respect for human rights, among other areas. It states that suppliers are to be familiar with basic human rights and labour conditions, and to respect them and comply with them. All SkiStar’s suppliers and business partners are expected to accept this Code of Conduct. SkiStar will act on any breaches. Find more information on the Supplier Code of Conducts on this page.

To ensure responsible procurement, SkiStar works based on established directives for purchasing, which take account of various perspectives during procurement and purchasing processes, including accessibility, price and quality, along with sustainability aspects.

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