Nomination committee
The Nomination Committee consists of representatives appointed by SkiStar's shareholders and prepares some of the resolutions of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee approved by the Annual General Meeting.
The nominating committee for SkiStar AB (publ)'s annual general meeting 2024 consists, according to the committee's instructions, of members appointed by SkiStar's four largest shareholders (shareholder groups) as of March 31, 2024.
The nomination committee consists of the following members:
- Per Gullstrand, appointed by Ekhaga Utveckling AB
- Peder Strand, appointed by Nordic Ski & Mountains AB
- Niklas Johansson, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
- Sara Karlsson, appointed by Erik Paulsson with family and company
The nomination committee has appointed Per Gullstrand chairman of the committee.
If you want to make suggestions or get in touch with the SkiStar nomination committee, please do not hesitate to e-mail: Or by mail to the following address:
SkiStar AB
Att: Nomination Committee
780 91 Sälen

A multifaceted segment encompassing a range of services and products from ski passes, accommodation, and equipment rental to ski schools, retail operations, property services, and adventure sports.
Lorem ipsum.