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SkiStar’s strategic framework is based on three foundations to ensure the business can achieve its vision ‘To create memorable mountain experiences’. The foundations’ focus areas guide the work forward and include our sustainability strategy, culture and employees, and a safe and secure experience (ESG).

Safe & secure
Safe & Secure is SkiStar’s promise to our guests. We want our guests to feel safe and to guarantee memorable mountain experiences all year round that offer quality, activity, experiences and safety throughout the customer journey.
More on page 52 of our annual report
Sustainability and responsible entrepreneurship are integral parts of SkiStar’s strategy, business model, governance and culture. Through SkiStar’s sustainability strategy, we want to get more people moving while our guests get to enjoy our wonderful mountain environment.
More on page 38 of our annual report
Employees & culture
SkiStar’s employees are its most important asset, helping drive the Company forward. Our foundation enables us to make visible the obvious role that our employees and our culture represent for the business.
More on page 49 of our annual report

Strategy & sustainability goals

Activity & recreation
Target for 2030
By 2030, SkiStar’s ambition is to be the primary choice for guests who prioritise active holidays, and to have 7million skier days and activity days.
Performance measures
  • Seven million skier days and activity days, of which: 6.4 million skier days and 600,000 activity days.
  • Contribute to increasing the number of new mountain guests.
Outcome 2023/24
  • 6,105,926 (5,682,561) skier days.
  • 267,064 (252,584) activity days.
Ecosystem & impact
Target for 2030
By 2030, SkiStar aims to reduce its carbon footprint by 50 percent and have a circular approach, while creating financial growth, with 2020/21 as the base year.
Performance measures
  • Net zero carbon footprint from our operations (cf. SBT 1)
  • Suppliers who account for 66.1 percent of emissions must have climate targets in place by 2027/28 (compare SBT 3).
  • Halve the carbon footprint from guests’ and employes’ journeys to our destinations (c.f. SBT 5).
  • Reduce emissions from fuel and energy-related activities, as well as waste, by 25 percent (cf. SBT 4)
  • Increased proportion of self-produced energy. SBT 2).
  • Promote biodiversity by including the mitigation hierarchy throughout all projects.
Outcome 2023/24
  • 58 (56) percent CO2 reduction in SkiStar’s operations compared with base year 2020/21.
  • 149,520 (134,516)2) tonnes of CO2 from SkiStar’s entire value chain during the financial year.
  • SkiStar increased its electricity consumption by 5 percent compared with the previous year.
  • Solar panel installations produced 220 MWh of renewable electricity during the year.
  • During the year we continued to develop our targets in line withScience Based Targets for Nature (SBTN). We plan to begin quantifying and measuring these targets in the coming financial years.
Dialog & samspel
Target for 2030
SkiStar aims to contribute to sustainable development along with our stakeholders throughout the value chain.
Performance measures
  • Increased percentage of overnight stays.
  • 100 percent of all suppliers sign up to SkiStar’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
Outcome 2023/24
  • Overnight stays rose by 5 percent compared with the previous year.
  • 92 percent of all new suppliers have signed up to SkiStar’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

SkiStar's other sustainability initiatives

Skistar is behind a number of sustainability initiatives, including solar-powered lifts, and an expanded number of charging poles for electric cars.

SkiStar's unique pilot project

We are taking a significant step in its transition to a fossil-free operation by testing complete electrification of a ski resort.

Additional documents

Supplier code of conduct

SkiStar has a Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct, which sets out obligations and expectations that the company has of its suppliers and partners, to ensure responsible procurement and purchasing. All SkiStar’s suppliers and partners are expected to sign the Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct. Actions will be taken in the event of any breaches.

The Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct imposes requirements for several perspectives to be considered when making purchases and in procurement processes, such as availability, sustainability aspects and legislation in the respective country. Availability varies among the different types of purchases, with a limited number of suppliers for primarily lifts, piste machinery and snowmobiles.

Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct

Information on processing of personal data for SkiStars's suppliers

Stakeholder dialogue and materiality analysis

Stakeholder dialogue and materiality analysisIn order to determine SkiStar's essential sustainability areas, SkiStart's stakeholders have been engaged and conducted an materiality analysis.

Stakeholder dialogue
Mapping and analysing stakeholders' expectations of our operations is a prerequisite for creating sustainable value. That is why we have ongoing dialogues with our stakeholders.In addition to this ongoing dialogue with stakeholders, in-depth
interviews were conducted during the year with a selection of representatives from our various stakeholder groups. The purpose was to identify SkiStar’s most important sustainability issues now and in the future, and to gain an understanding of which issues create great value for our stakeholders. The stakeholder dialogue formed the basis of SkiStar’s new sustainability strategy.Dialogues with stakeholders provide insights into the expectations of different stakeholder groups and contribute to the development of long-term relationships and continuous improvement of SkiStar’s operations. The dialogues also provide valuable information when SkiStar evaluates its sustainability work and prioritises initiatives in the area of sustainability.A targeted survey was conducted during the year to which approximately 4,050 guests and 500 employees responded. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected stakeholder groups, such as municipalities, regions, owners and destination companies. This was done to get a picture of the stakeholder groups’ priorities, and it formed the basis for SkiStar’s materiality analysis and sustainability strategy.

Materiality analysis
SkiStar’s materiality analysis is based on several different areas:
Stakeholder dialogues, external trends and the company’s and management’s strategic priorities. The analysis forms the basis of SkiStar’s strategic focus and prioritisation of sustainability initiatives. Based on the survey of stakeholders’ expectations and external monitoring, internal priorities have been established, of which sustainability issues are deemed the most significant. When establishing these priorities, SkiStar’s actual impact on people, the environment, the economy and society was considered. SkiStar conducts a materiality analysis every two years. A review of and update to the materiality analysis was carried out during the year, the conclusions of which are shown below. The results show the areas that are most important for SkiStar’s business and value initiatives as based on the analysis. SkiStar’s contributions and challenges linked to the UN:s 17 Sustainable Development Goals also formed part of the analysis.

GRI index

SkiStar’s sustainability report has been prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards guidelines, Core application level. SkiStar’s GRI index contains references to where the information can be found in the annual report.

In order to prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the GRI guidelines, SkiStar is required to complete three steps: identification, prioritisation and validation. An internal analysis has been carried out as a first step, with the aim of identifying material sustainability topics. This has enabled a selection of sustainability topics to be identified. The sustainability topics have been drawn up in dialogue with business area managers to ensure that the entire operations are covered by the selection.

GRI Index 2021/22
GRI Index 2020/21
GRI Index 2019/20
GRI Index 2018/19
GRI Index 2017/18

The annual and sustainability reports can be found here

Keep reading


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Recommended target price: 23-25 SEK
Erik Penser Bank's revenue estimates
Disclaimer: This is an estimation made by Erik Penser Bank and not Tourn International AB.
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Financial reports

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Financial calendar

Silent period Q2
Q2 report
Silent period Q3
Q3 report
Silent period Q4
Year-end report


Votes & capital
Change since
previous report
Number of shares
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