SkiStar & sustainability
SkiStar is Scandinavia’s leading operator in alpine mountain tourism. Protecting the unique mountain environment in which the company operates is a fundamental condition for the sustainable development of SkiStar’s business. SkiStar’s sustainability efforts are an integral aspect of our daily work and a natural part for all employees.
Focus areas
Activity & recreation
Environmental responsibility
Dialogue & interaction
Employees & culture
SkiStar's other sustainability initiatives
Skistar is behind a number of sustainability initiatives, including solar-powered lifts, and an expanded number of charging poles for electric cars.
SkiStar's unique pilot project
We are taking a significant step in its transition to a fossil-free operation by testing complete electrification of a ski resort.
Additional documents
SkiStar has a Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct, which sets out obligations and expectations that the company has of its suppliers and partners, to ensure responsible procurement and purchasing. All SkiStar’s suppliers and partners are expected to sign the Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct. Actions will be taken in the event of any breaches.
The Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct imposes requirements for several perspectives to be considered when making purchases and in procurement processes, such as availability, sustainability aspects and legislation in the respective country. Availability varies among the different types of purchases, with a limited number of suppliers for primarily lifts, piste machinery and snowmobiles.
Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct
Information on processing of personal data for SkiStars's suppliers
Stakeholder dialogue and materiality analysisIn order to determine SkiStar's essential sustainability areas, SkiStart's stakeholders have been engaged and conducted an materiality analysis.
Stakeholder dialogueMapping and analysing stakeholders' expectations of our operations is a prerequisite for creating sustainable value. That is why we have ongoing dialogues with our stakeholders.In addition to this ongoing dialogue with stakeholders, in-depth
interviews were conducted during the year with a selection of representatives from our various stakeholder groups. The purpose was to identify SkiStar’s most important sustainability issues now and in the future, and to gain an understanding of which issues create great value for our stakeholders. The stakeholder dialogue formed the basis of SkiStar’s new sustainability strategy.Dialogues with stakeholders provide insights into the expectations of different stakeholder groups and contribute to the development of long-term relationships and continuous improvement of SkiStar’s operations. The dialogues also provide valuable information when SkiStar evaluates its sustainability work and prioritises initiatives in the area of sustainability.A targeted survey was conducted during the year to which approximately 4,050 guests and 500 employees responded. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected stakeholder groups, such as municipalities, regions, owners and destination companies. This was done to get a picture of the stakeholder groups’ priorities, and it formed the basis for SkiStar’s materiality analysis and sustainability strategy.
Materiality analysisSkiStar’s materiality analysis is based on several different areas:
Stakeholder dialogues, external trends and the company’s and management’s strategic priorities. The analysis forms the basis of SkiStar’s strategic focus and prioritisation of sustainability initiatives. Based on the survey of stakeholders’ expectations and external monitoring, internal priorities have been established, of which sustainability issues are deemed the most significant. When establishing these priorities, SkiStar’s actual impact on people, the environment, the economy and society was considered. SkiStar conducts a materiality analysis every two years. A review of and update to the materiality analysis was carried out during the year, the conclusions of which are shown below. The results show the areas that are most important for SkiStar’s business and value initiatives as based on the analysis. SkiStar’s contributions and challenges linked to the UN:s 17 Sustainable Development Goals also formed part of the analysis.
SkiStars sustainability reports including the auditor's opinion on these.
Sustainability Report 2022/23 incl auditor's statement
Sustainability Report 2021/22 incl auditor's statement
Sustainability Report 2020/21 incl auditor's statement
Sustainability Report 2019/20 incl auditor's statement
Sustainability Report 2018/19 incl auditor's statement
Sustainability report 2017/18 incl auditor's statement
SkiStar’s sustainability report has been prepared in accordance with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards guidelines, Core application level. SkiStar’s GRI index contains references to where the information can be found in the annual report.
In order to prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the GRI guidelines, SkiStar is required to complete three steps: identification, prioritisation and validation. An internal analysis has been carried out as a first step, with the aim of identifying material sustainability topics. This has enabled a selection of sustainability topics to be identified. The sustainability topics have been drawn up in dialogue with business area managers to ensure that the entire operations are covered by the selection.
GRI Index 2021/22
GRI Index 2020/21
GRI Index 2019/20
GRI Index 2018/19
GRI Index 2017/18
The annual and sustainability reports can be found here