Risk & risk management
Risk & risk management
Like all companies and business operations, SkiStar is exposed to various risks related to the business. For SkiStar, it is important to identify the risks that may prevent the Company from achieving defined targets and to determine whether the risks are in line with risk propensity.
Where necessary, measures are taken to avoid, minimise or monitor identified risks. The purpose of risk management is to continuously assess and manage the risks that arise in the operations and to ensure that it forms the basis for successful sustainability work. SkiStar's risk process, ownership, governance and management are discussed and evaluated by the Company’s Audit Committee and Board of Directors.
The majority of SkiStar’s revenues are generated in the period December to April. SkiStar’s operations are well adapted to seasonal variations, particularly in terms of the workforce. Most of the winter bookings are made before the season. An increased proportion of advance sales means that business transactions can be completed at an earlier point, which in turn reduces the operational risk. Seasonal variations are also managed by investing in snowmaking systems to guarantee skiing early in the season.
SkiStar’s all-year-round focus in Scandinavia also reduces seasonal variations.
Climate risks are directly linked to SkiStar’s operations and include physical climate risks that affect the operation of the business. The number of guests at SkiStar’s destinations is influenced by weather and snow conditions. A late winter with a lack of cold weather and natural snow in time for Christmas has an adverse impact on demand. Lower demand can also arise in winters with prolonged cold periods and good snow conditions in the southern, more densely populated parts of Scandinavia, as snow, cold weather and skiing opportunities are available closer to home. However, in a longer perspective, it is positive for the industry if skiing is available throughout Scandinavia, as many new skiers will be recruited. SkiStar addresses these risks through continuous development of snowmaking systems to guarantee skiing, and through early sales to ensure that most of the
accommodation capacity is booked before the Christmas week when the high season starts. SkiStar’s operations are also dependent on there being no restrictions on travel within or between mainly the Scandinavian countries. Risk is managed through proactive dialogues with authorities, regional governments and local municipalities as well as continuing to work for financial stability.
Changes in people’s disposable income are reflected in private consumption, which in turn has a bearing on whether they can travel. SkiStar’s historical sales and earnings trend shows that the Company has been able to deal with fluctuations in the economy. A large proportion of SkiStar’s guests are families who tend to return year after year and accommodation owners at the destinations.
Sun and beach holidays and weekend city breaks are considered SkiStar’s main competitors, but competition also comes from other sectors that compete for people’s disposable income, such as durable goods and home investments. Other competitors include other mountain resorts in Scandinavia and the Alps. The alpine ski industry has a high entry threshold, which limits competition. Initiatives such as large investments in service-oriented employees, leadership, modern lifts and snowmaking systems, IT and restaurants ensure that SkiStar’s mountain destinations maintain a high level of quality. SkiStar’s destinations have good accessibility to populated areas due to their geographical proximity and affordable transport solutions in the form of trains, aeroplanes and coaches. SkiStar’s customers have easy access to the Company’s products and services via online marketing and sales systems that facilitate the booking process for them. Other important competitive factors include a strong financial position, known and attractive brands and a strong cash flow.
SkiStar’s profitability is dependent on the number of available beds and the occupancy rate. For SkiStar, it is important to have control over a large accommodation capacity to optimise the occupancy rate by monitoring changes in demand and pricing accommodation correctly at all stages of the season. SkiStar works actively to increase the number of beds at the destinations and to increase the proportion mediated by SkiStar itself. It is also important for older cabins and apartments to be modernised to maintain high demand. In addition to SkiStar’s own investments, new investments in cabins and apartments are conducted by external parties or jointly-owned companies.
Payroll expenses are the Company’s largest individual cost item. SkiStar’s continuing success is dependent on motivated and committed employees. SkiStar works on leadership issues and training to increase the efficiency, awareness and commitment of its employees. The level of service that guests receive from our staff plays an important role in their overall experience. To retain key personnel, SkiStar offers leadership development, succession planning, training and incentive programmes.
SkiStar works actively on safety by means of trade organisations and unions, regular training, incident reporting and a systematic health and safety programme. Continuous risk analyses are conducted at all destinations to minimise the various types of risks and have the correct insurance cover in place. SkiStar also has an extensive crisis plan to ensure that the Company is well prepared in the event of any accidents or incidents. Information security is an area requiring more and more resources, due to a negative trend globally involving various types of attacks and intrusions. SkiStar follows established processes for the development and introduction of new infrastructure and systems. The risk of intrusion, loss of information and business interruption is reduced by focusing on information security, cooperation with suppliers and development of working practices and procedures.
Sustainability is included as an evaluation factor in SkiStar’s business development and decisions. Management of sustainability risks is an integral part of the Group’s operations. All identified sustainability risks are managed in the Company’s risk management process and play a fundamental part in investments and decisions. A description of SkiStar’s work on sustainability and risk control can be found in the sustainability report on pages 35–48 and 98–112 in the Annual Report.
SkiStar’s winter business is dependent on cold winters with sub-zero temperatures. Climate change in the form of warmer temperatures and changing weather conditions and precipitation can affect the business and increase the risks of a shorter season, also affecting the number of skier days. To address the risks associated with climate change, the Company works on long-term objectives aimed at minimising its impact on nature and the climate. This is done partly through technical solutions to ensure favourable conditions at SkiStar’s destinations, and partly by working towards defined climate and emission targets to reduce emissions and deterioration of the natural environment where SkiStar operates.
SkiStar’s business is associated with risks related to work environment, corruption and human rights. These risks are partly within the Company and partly with suppliers and partners working on assignments for SkiStar. To manage the risks, SkiStar has adopted an internal Code of Conduct and a Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of Conduct are difficult to detect and SkiStar’s focus is therefore on minimising the risks of corruption and human rights violations. Training and induction programmes provide SkiStar’s employees with knowledge about how the Company’s policies and other governing documents are structured and how employees are expected to act in the event of suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. A whistleblowing service is available to all employees and others who have a work-related relationship with SkiStar to enable anonymous reporting of violations.
SkiStar’s operations are conducted in the mountains. Activities may be restricted by protected natural areas. There is a risk that biodiversity will be affected. SkiStar works to reduce the risk of impacts on sensitive natural areas including reducing the risk of contributing to unauthorised environmental impacts through unauthorised discharges.
For more information on SkiStar’s financial risks and how the Company manages them, see the Annual Report, Note 32 on page 93.
Risks and opportunities
Where necessary, measures are taken to avoid, minimise or monitor identified risks. The purpose of risk management is to continuously assess and manage the risks that arise in the operations and to ensure that it forms the basis for successful sustainability work. SkiStar's risk process, ownership, governance and management are discussed and evaluated by the Company’s Audit Committee and Board of Directors.
Operational risks
The majority of SkiStar’s revenues are generated in the period December to April. SkiStar’s operations are well adapted to seasonal variations, particularly in terms of the workforce. Most of the winter bookings are made before the season. An increased proportion of advance sales means that business transactions can be completed at an earlier point, which in turn reduces the operational risk. Seasonal variations are also managed by investing in snowmaking systems to guarantee skiing early in the season.
Risk management:
SkiStar’s all-year-round focus in Scandinavia also reduces seasonal variations.
Snow availability
Climate risks are directly linked to SkiStar’s operations and include physical climate risks that affect the operation of the business. The number of guests at SkiStar’s destinations is influenced by weather and snow conditions. A late winter with a lack of cold weather and natural snow in time for Christmas has an adverse impact on demand. Lower demand can also arise in winters with prolonged cold periods and good snow conditions in the southern, more densely populated parts of Scandinavia, as snow, cold weather and skiing opportunities are available closer to home. However, in a longer perspective, it is positive for the industry if skiing is available throughout Scandinavia, as many new skiers will be recruited.
Risk management:
SkiStar addresses these risks through continuous development of snowmaking systems to guarantee skiing, and through early sales to ensure that most of the accommodation capacity is booked before the Christmas week when the high season starts. SkiStar’s operations are also dependent on there being no restrictions on travel within or between mainly the Scandinavian countries.
Risk is managed through proactive dialogues with authorities, regional governments and local municipalities as well as continuing to work for financial stability.
Economic cycle
Changes in people’s disposable income are reflected in private consumption, which in turn has a bearing on whether they can travel.
Risk management:
SkiStar’s historical sales and earnings trend shows that the Company has been able to deal with fluctuations in the economy. A large proportion of SkiStar’s guests are families who tend to return year after year and accommodation owners at the destinations.
Sun and beach holidays and weekend city breaks are considered SkiStar’s main competitors, but competition also comes from other sectors that compete for people’s disposable income, such as durable goods and home investments. Other competitors include other mountain resorts in Scandinavia and the Alps. The alpine ski industry has a high entry threshold, which limits competition. Initiatives such as large investments in service-oriented employees, leadership, modern lifts and snowmaking systems, IT and restaurants ensure that SkiStar’s mountain destinations maintain a high level of quality.
Risk management:
SkiStar’s destinations have good accessibility to populated areas due to their geographical proximity and affordable transport solutions in the form of trains, aeroplanes and coaches. SkiStar’s customers have easy access to the Company’s products and services via online marketing and sales systems that facilitate the booking process for them. Other important competitive factors include a strong financial position, known and attractive brands and a strong cash flow.
Accommondation capacity and occupancy rate
SkiStar’s profitability is dependent on the number of available beds and the occupancy rate. For SkiStar, it is important to have control over a large accommodation capacity to optimise the occupancy rate by monitoring changes in demand and pricing accommodation correctly at all stages of the season.
Risk management:
SkiStar works actively to increase the number of beds at the destinations and to increase the proportion mediated by SkiStar itself. It is also important for older cabins and apartments to be modernised to maintain high demand. In addition to SkiStar’s own investments, new investments in cabins and apartments are conducted by external parties or jointly-owned companies.
Payroll expenses are the Company’s largest individual cost item. SkiStar’s continuing success is dependent on motivated and committed employees. SkiStar works on leadership issues and training to increase the efficiency, awareness and commitment of its employees. The level of service that guests receive from our staff plays an important role in their overall experience.
Risk management:
To retain key personnel, SkiStar offers leadership development, succession planning, training and incentive programmes.
Safety and security
SkiStar works actively on safety by means of trade organisations and unions, regular training, incident reporting and a systematic health and safety programme.
Risk management:
Continuous risk analyses are conducted at all destinations to minimise the various types of risks and have the correct insurance cover in place. SkiStar also has an extensive crisis plan to ensure that the Company is well prepared in the event of any accidents or incidents. Information security is an area requiring more and more resources, due to a negative trend globally involving various types of attacks and intrusions. SkiStar follows established processes for the development and introduction of new infrastructure and systems. The risk of intrusion, loss of information and business interruption is reduced by focusing on information security, cooperation with suppliers and development of working practices and procedures.
Like all companies and business operations, SkiStar is exposed to various risks related to the business. For SkiStar, it is important to identify the risks that may prevent the Company from achieving defined targets and to determine whether the risks are in line with risk propensity.
Sustainability risks
Sustainability is included as an evaluation factor in SkiStar’s business development and decisions. Management of sustainability risks is an integral part of the Group’s operations. All identified sustainability risks are managed in the Company’s risk management process and play a fundamental part in investments and decisions. A description of SkiStar’s work on sustainability and risk control can be found in the sustainability report on pages 35–48 and 98–112 in the Annual Report.
Dependence on climate and weather
SkiStar’s winter business is dependent on cold winters with sub-zero temperatures. Climate change in the form of warmer temperatures and changing weather conditions and precipitation can affect the business and increase the risks of a shorter season, also affecting the number of skier days.
Risk management:
To address the risks associated with climate change, the Company works on long-term objectives aimed at minimising its impact on nature and the climate. This is done partly through technical solutions to ensure favourable conditions at SkiStar’s destinations, and partly by working towards defined climate and emission targets to reduce emissions and deterioration of the natural environment where SkiStar operates.
Business ethics
SkiStar’s business is associated with risks related to work environment, corruption and human rights. These risks are partly within the Company and partly with suppliers and partners working on assignments for SkiStar.
Risk management:
To manage the risks, SkiStar has adopted an internal Code of Conduct and a Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of Conduct are difficult to detect and SkiStar’s focus is therefore on minimising the risks of corruption and human rights violations. Training and induction programmes provide SkiStar’s employees with knowledge about how the Company’s policies and other governing documents are structured and how employees are expected to act in the event of suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. A whistleblowing service is available to all employees and others who have a work-related relationship with SkiStar to enable anonymous reporting of violations.
Loss of biodiversity
SkiStar’s operations are conducted in the mountains. Activities may be restricted by protected natural areas. There is a risk that biodiversity will be affected.
Risk management:
SkiStar works to reduce the risk of impacts on sensitive natural areas including reducing the risk of contributing to unauthorised environmental impacts through unauthorised discharges.
Dependence on climate and weather
SkiStar’s winter business is dependent on cold winters with sub-zero temperatures. Climate change in the form of warmer temperatures and changing weather conditions and precipitation can affect the business and increase the risks of a shorter season, also affecting the number of skier days.
Risk management:
To address the risks associated with climate change, the Company works on long-term objectives aimed at minimising its impact on nature and the climate. This is done partly through technical solutions to ensure favourable conditions at SkiStar’s destinations, and partly by working towards defined climate and emission targets to reduce emissions and deterioration of the natural environment where SkiStar operates.
Business ethics
SkiStar’s business is associated with risks related to work environment, corruption and human rights. These risks are partly within the Company and partly with suppliers and partners working on assignments for SkiStar.
Risk management:
To manage the risks, SkiStar has adopted an internal Code of Conduct and a Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct. Violations of the Code of Conduct are difficult to detect and SkiStar’s focus is therefore on minimising the risks of corruption and human rights violations. Training and induction programmes provide SkiStar’s employees with knowledge about how the Company’s policies and other governing documents are structured and how employees are expected to act in the event of suspected violation of the Code of Conduct. A whistleblowing service is available to all employees and others who have a work-related relationship with SkiStar to enable anonymous reporting of violations.
Loss of biodiversity
SkiStar’s operations are conducted in the mountains. Activities may be restricted by protected natural areas. There is a risk that biodiversity will be affected.
Risk management:
SkiStar works to reduce the risk of impacts on sensitive natural areas including reducing the risk of contributing to unauthorised environmental impacts through unauthorised discharges.
Financial risks
For more information on SkiStar’s financial risks and how the Company manages them, see the Annual Report, Note 32 on page 93.
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