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Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
We are strengthening our position as Scandinavia's lead player in mountain tourism by more satisfied guests as well as a record number of skier and activity days.
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStars 2023/23 Q1 report

Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
We are strengthening our position as Scandinavia's lead player in mountain tourism by more satisfied guests as well as a record number of skier and activity days.
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStars 2023/23 Q1 report

Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
We are strengthening our position as Scandinavia's lead player in mountain tourism by more satisfied guests as well as a record number of skier and activity days.
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStars 2023/23 Q1 report

Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
We are strengthening our position as Scandinavia's lead player in mountain tourism by more satisfied guests as well as a record number of skier and activity days.
SkiStar AB Interim Report September 2023-May 2024

Continued Growth with Increased Margins and a Stable Booking Situation Ahead of the Coming Winter Season
It is with great pleasure that we present yet another action-packed year for SkiStar. Our work delivering memorable mountain experiences has continued, and we can sum up the year as having more satisfied guests, as well as a record number of both skier and activity days. I would like to express a big thank you to all our employees for all the hard work they have put in during the year.
Our growth has continued, with new revenue streams and visits by more international guests, and an increased operating profit. We have thereby strengthened our position as Scandinavia’s leading player in mountain tourism all year round.
Fourth Quarter
We continue our long-term work on building up a year-round business. Growth has been somewhat slower than expected, as the way the market operates differs compared with the winter season. At the same time, it is pleasing that we have increased the number of guests at our destinations, thereby increasing sales.
The acquisition of Trysilguidene at the beginning of the financial year has made a wider range of activities available for our guests during the quarter. We are seeing that more guests than ever have chosen to buy our annual SkiStar All Year passes, which have been used extensively during the summer. Sales in our sports goods stores continued to increase during the quarter, not only in our physical units, with the increased number of visitors at our destinations, but also online.
Despite a cautious property market, we completed several successful deals within our property exploitation operations by the end of the year, which was according to plan. Net sales for the fourth quarter amounted to SEK 339 million. Adjusted for non-recurring items, net sales increased by SEK 10 million, corresponding to 3 percent. At the same time, our operating profit/loss fell to SEK -279 million (-239). An adjustment to the accounting policies for our holding in the joint venture Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings for the quarter.
Full Year
We started the financial year with a capital market day at which we presented our updated mid-term financial targets and clarified our strategy to achieve these. It is, therefore, especially pleasing to be able to report strong organic growth of ten percent, which has been driven in particular by keen interest in mountain holidays among both Scandinavian and international guests. Together with improved margins, this marks an important first step towards achieving our set targets.
Net sales increased by SEK 398 million to SEK 4,679 million (4,281), with all revenue streams growing during the year. Operating profit increased by SEK 124 million to SEK 740 million (616), corresponding to 20 percent. The operating margin improved to 16 percent (14) during the financial year. The changed accounting policies regarding Skiab Invest had an effect of SEK -19 million on earnings.
Cash flow from operating activities also increased and amounted to SEK 1,084 million (669) during the financial year, an increase of SEK 415 million. The improvement was chiefly due to the stronger profit for the period and more efficient management of working capital during the year.
The increase in net sales and operating profit confirms that our strategic investments in developing and future-proofing our destinations in both Sweden and Norway are bearing fruit. During the year, we continued to invest in improved guest experiences with, for example, new lifts in Hemsedal, Sälen, and Åre, as well as in sustainability and digitalization. This involved fully electrifying the operations at SkiStar Hammarbybacken in Stockholm and introducing AI-based queue time management of our lifts via the SkiStar app. These efforts are a part of our work to meet the guests’ high expectations of quality and service, while also streamlining our operations.
Our increased number of guests during the winter season is also reflected in the record number of skier days, which grew by 7 percent, surpassing 6.1 million skier days.
Booking Situation Ahead of the Winter
Ahead of the 2024/25 winter season, we have a stable booking situation, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, of +/-0 percent compared with the previous year. This is therefore SkiStar’s second-best booking situation for this time of the year.
We started sales before the year’s winter season began with record early promotions, mainly in Denmark, which resulted in many early bookings. After that, the weak economic situation and the summer weather affected the booking pattern during the quarter, with a later intake of bookings, mainly in the Swedish market. The latest interest rate reductions and the government’s stimulus package have had a positive effect, as they have made it possible for households to prioritize their mountain holidays.
As part of our strong commitment to sustainability, we continue to develop this area and have taken the initiative to bring together the entire international industry and lead discussions on how we can jointly drive sustainability initiatives in our sector.
Our ambition is to continue to develop SkiStar into the leading player in mountain tourism and holiday experiences in Scandinavia. I look forward with great confidence to the upcoming winter season and the opportunities it will bring. Together with our committed employees, we will continue to create memorable mountain experiences for our guests.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO

Ytterligare ett verksamhetsår har passerat då vi fortsatt vår transformation till ett fjällturismbolag som erbjuder aktiv avkoppling året runt. Vi kan konstatera att vi fortsätter att växa samtidigt som resultatet för 2022/23 påverkades av högre omkostnader än förväntat.
Helåret visar att vi fortsatt har en tillväxt då vi ökat omsättningen med 4,5 procent, till 4 304 MSEK (4 118 MSEK) samt ett rörelseresultat på 604 MSEK (884 MSEK).
Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
SkiStars 2023/23 Q1 report

Winter arrived earlier than ever before with both cold weather and natural snow at all our mountain destinations from the beginning of November, which brought good conditions for snow production and has meant an early snowy start to the season with a snow depth of between 40–80 cm. We will have fantastic conditions at all our destinations for the Christmas and New Year holidays and, above all, this will ensure a long winter season.
Operating profit declined by SEK 13 million in the period, equivalent to 3 percent. The most significant reason is the unusually favourable weather conditions for snow production and other work carried out in order to prepare the slopes during the pre-season. This has resulted in higher costs, mainly related to earlier snow-making, but has also meant an early start to the season, increased revenues and great interest from our guests.
Bookings, measured as the number of overnight stays booked through SkiStar’s mediated accommodation, are 9 percent higher than previous year, meaning that more than 80 percent of the season’s estimated accommodation sales are already booked. A strong Christmas and New Year period with high occupancy awaits us. Despite the weaker economy, many continue to choose to invest in a mountain holiday. The favourable value of the Swedish and Norwegian krona has also affected the foreign market, where we can see increased growth in the number of guests, notably from Denmark, but also from Germany, England and the Netherlands.
Prior to the season, large investments and additional acquisitions were made in our core operations. With two new express lifts, improved snow production and the development of existing ski areas and ski school operations at all destinations, our guests can have a fantastic winter experience, as well as access to ski products at all our destinations.
Retail operations continued to develop positively, despite a declining industry, and sales during the period have increased, both online at skistarshop.com (59 percent) and in our physical stores (32 percent). This resulted in an overall sales increase of 54 percent during the quarter.
Our climate targets were approved by Science Based Targets (SBT) during the previous financial year. We are currently taking the next step by clarifying our sustainability commitments within the areas of climate change. We are now focused on preserving white winters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. By engaging with employees, guests, partners and interested members of the public, we want to create a driving force to help address climate change. We therefore invite everyone to participate in our sustainability efforts in order to make more informed choices and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By working together, we can preserve white winters and ensue that snowy experiences remain part of our future.
We look forward with confidence to another great winter season at all our six destinations and I hope to see you on the slopes.
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO
23/24 highlights

Why invest?

Why invest?
Leading market position in Scandinavia
SkiStar is the leading holiday organizer for Scandinavia with an offer and an efficient organization, which in the long term provides continuous growth with stable profitability.

Positive market trend
Thanks to an increased demand for active leisure and sustainable activities at home, SkiStar is expected to strengthen its position in the Scandinavian market.

Competitive advantage thanks to our web presence
To meet the increased demand for simplicity and clarity among customers, sales have been gathered on skistar.com and in the SkiStar app, where guest engagement is gathered, and we are continuously working on continued digitalization development. This means that SkiStar gets a direct relationship with the guest, which creates a competitive advantage.

Our assets
SkiStar has large real estate assets in the various destinations, and is actively working to identify new interesting land areas for further development. Through work on real estate development and exploitation, the company generates capital gains, while strategically important projects contribute to expanding the number of beds in the destinations, which is a key part of the effort to enable guests in the core business.

SkiStar offers special benefits to its shareholders
Shareholders with at least 200 SkiStar shares receive a discount on all SkiStar destinations. The discount applies, among other things, to Ski and BikePasses, ski and bike rentals as well as to SkiStarShop.

This is SkiStar
What are we?
What are we?
Our 3 business areas
2. Operation of hotels
3. Property development & exploitation
About Skistar

A multifaceted segment encompassing a range of services and products from ski passes, accommodation, and equipment rental to ski schools, retail operations, property services, and adventure sports.
Lorem ipsum.
About Skistar
SkiStars offering
The basis of SkiStar’s offer is to generate sales before the guest arrives at the destination. 83% of SkiStar’s sales take place onskistar.com, which is the largest sales channel and the most vital component of the business model.


A multifaceted segment encompassing a range of services and products from ski passes, accommodation, and equipment rental to ski schools, retail operations, property services, and adventure sports.
Lorem ipsum.
SkiStars main business areas

A multifaceted segment encompassing a range of services and products from ski passes, accommodation, and equipment rental to ski schools, retail operations, property services, and adventure sports.
Lorem ipsum.
Our resorts

Our market & industry
SkiStar is in a strong position thanks to its strong presence in the stable alpine skiing market, a diversified customer base, competitive advantages in Scandinavia, potential for market expansion, and strategic adaptability.
Coronavirus pandemic-
Sweden's Ski industry 2019/2020 season (Covid)-
Our guests
Our guests is the engine of our growth and development. Providing memorable mountain experiences is the promise we make to our customers. In addition to offering accommodation, activities, products and services of the highest quality all year round for our guests, our aim is to constantly improve and develop together with our guests and in step with changes to our operating environment.

SkiStars growth strategy
To strengthen our position as the leading holiday organiser for Scandinavia, alpine skiing will remain SkiStar’s main focus when creating memorable mountain experiences. During the financial year, we continued to invest even more in the summer and autumn seasons, thus creating new sources of revenue.
To increase the number of skier and activity days and thus boost revenues, the key is to attract more guests to our destinations who are more satisfied with their experience and more guests who return year after year. It is also important to strengthen the destinations’ competitiveness, with key factors being the product range, development of ski systems, summer activities and offering accommodation that meets the guest's expectations. As people’s lifestyles and holiday habits are shifting, with them moving in recent years towards more active holidays spread over different periods of the year, work is under way to review how we can meet demand for adapted opening times, lift-assisted summer activities and guaranteed snow. At the same time, we are continuing to make investments in our mountain resorts, such as new lifts and skiing areas with plans to implement several new lifts to weatherproof and windproof Åre.
SkiStar wants to be at the cutting edge and further develop operations with a focus on increasing the number of guests and activity days at our destinations and driving sustained profitable growth. Sales of our SkiPass are at the heart of our revenue. Based on this successful product, we have since developed new sources of revenue in the form of ski rentals through SkiStarshop, our snowman Valle and Valle's Ski School, the SkiStar Living accommodation concept and much more.
Another important part of finding new sources of revenue is to even more efficiently base our actions on guests’ behaviours, purchasing patterns, satisfaction and preferences through the customer data we have from skistar.com, guest surveys, but also through memberships in SkiStar Member, using an updated strategy and development programme. By linking our sustainability target of seven million skier and activity days to the new SkiStar Member (as each skier day or activity day will give entitlement to a bonus), we are linking our guests and members closer to our sustainability targets within ‘activity and recreation’.
Guests also receive all the benefits of being both loyal guests and members over time, such as bonus points on all purchases in the SkiStarshop, be it in physical stores or online, as well as on bookings and rentals via skistar.com. To put it simply – it should pay to be active.
For SkiStar, it is important for all land exploitation and property development in the Scandinavian mountain world to be sustainable. An important goal for us is to see a positive performance in the value of our exploitable land. This is achieved by active detailed development plans, which lead to new projects being launched more quickly.
Another vital aspect of the strategy is to ensure a strong performance in the value of the property portfolio by developing and enhancing the efficiency of properties owned by SkiStar, not least in terms of energy efficiency and systematic maintenance.
For SkiStar, digitalisation means developing our destinations and digital platforms based on customer insight and data analysis with the concepts of simplicity, satisfaction, accessibility and the safety of our guests serving as a guide.
Over the past year, SkiStar has continued to develop a number of products and services – everything from the SkiStar app to digital check-in and check-out at our accommodation. The Valle app is being developed into a ‘digiphysical’ tool as part of our efforts to give more children a sense of adventure and a love of the great outdoors.
Digital business development will continue over the coming years with a focus on further guest-centric adjustments. It is a question of being at the forefront of digital interaction with guests, to create a memorable and carefree alpine experience before, during and after their trip.
Based on our brand and existing assets, we identify, analyse and generate future business through ongoing business development, thus reinforcing and intensifying our pace of innovation.
The pace of development was high during the year, particularly relating to the all-year-round initiative, with more attractions being developed over a three-year period, including climbing parks, Mountain Coasters and adventure arenas.

Financial goals
The overall goal is for the value of shareholders’ capital to increase sustainably over the long term.
SkiStar’s Board of Directors decided to revise the financial targets for the medium term in the first quarter 2023/24 to the following:
Financial overview
Management & board
SkiStar's Group Management is headed by CEO Stefan Sjöstrand.

Principle education and professional experience:
Marketing Diploma IHM. 13 years of experience from IKEA, inter alia from positions as Commercial & Digital Manager for Ingka Centres (IKEA), Commercial Manager for IKEA Group and member of Group Management and the Management Board, CEO of IKEA Canada, Deputy CEO of IKEA France and Business Area Manager at IKEA of Sweden (IKEA’s product development company in Älmhult). Stefan also has experience from various CEO and management roles at Weibulls, OLW, Malaco and Marabou.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
Board Member of Derome AB.
38 100 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Principle education and professional experience: Master of Science in Economics. Former senior advisor for Avonova, where she worked as CEO and CFO during the years 2020–2023. During the years 2016–2020 she was CFO at Aleris and prior to that she has held various leadership roles within accounting and controlling at SAS.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:

Principle education and professional experience:
Degree of Master both in Economics and Tourism and Hospitality Management. CEO of Hotel Diplomat and Villa Dagmar during the years 2012–2022. Prior to that, active in the group of Clarion Hotels, with responsibility for sales and operations. Also experience from Langley Travels with responsibility for hotel operations in the Alps, Corsica, and Crete.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
586 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Marketing Diploma IHM. Various management positions within the SkiStar Group.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
22 460 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Master of Laws. Former associate and lawyer at law firms Lindahl and Ramberg Advokater, district court service as law clerk.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
2 200 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Bachelor of Economics. Former Nordic Marketing Manager Fritidsresor, Sales and Marketing Manager Langley Travel.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
17 769 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Personnel and working life program, Stockholms Folkuniversitet, marketing economist IHM Business School. Previous experience from Ving within the foreign organization as well as various management and leadership positions within the SkiStar Group.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
2 413 B-shares.

Principle education and professional experience:
Behavioral scientist. Former advisor through own consulting company, Head of Property Management Diös, Regional Manager Norrland Akelius Fastigheter.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:

Principle education and professional experience:
Principle education and professional experience: Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing and Design from Stockholm University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Konstfack. Worked as a sustainability consultant and auditor at PwC, also serving as Head of Sustainability. Additionally worked as a Sustainability Strategist at Nordea.
Significant professional commitments outside the company:
427 B-shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
Bachelor of Arts. Former Chairman of Swedbank and KF. Many years of operational experience in industry and the financial sector, including CEO of Folksam. Has held several ministerial posts and other political assignments.
Other significant professional committments:
Chairman of Medicon Village Fastighets AB, NMI Group AB, Kaunis Iron AB, Nordion Energi AB and Ekhaga Utveckling AB. Director of SCA.
With family and companies: 16,800 B shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
University studies and SEB Higher internal bank training. Extensive experience in consumer and services market through her role as founder and owner, and previously CEO and executive chairman of listed Collector AB and Collector Bank, now Norion Bank.
Other significant professional committments:
Chairman of Redlocker AB, NordiCredit Advisory AB and NordiCredit Sweden AB, as well as Director of Dragon Invest AB, Helichrysum Gruppen AB, Loopeli AB and the 17-Nätverket.
10 000 B-shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
Secondary education. Experience as CEO and Director of Kranpunkten Skandinavien AB and Ekhaga Utveckling AB.
Other significant professional committments:
CEO and Director of Kranpunkten Skandinavien AB and Ekhaga Utveckling AB. Chairman of Bjäre Invest AB and Director of Peab AB, Mats Paulssons Stiftelse and Stiftelsen Stefan Paulssons Cancerfond.
Fredrik Paulsson with relatives:
- Mats and Fredrik Paulsson with families 145,690 B shares, corresponding to 0.2% of the capital and 0,1% of the votes.
- Ekhaga Utveckling AB 3,648,000 A shares and 15,343,150 B shares, corresponding to 24.2% of the capital and 46.6% of the votes.

Principal education and professional experience:
MBA. Many years of broad experience from the experience industry. Former CFO of Scandic Hotels, Cision, Parks Resorts Scandinavia, Mandator and TUI Nordic.
Other significant professional committments:
Director of Ambea AB (publ), NCAB Group AB (publ), Scandic Hotels Group AB (publ) and SSC Svenska Rymdaktiebolaget.
With family: 1 900 B-shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
BA in Business Administration. Former CEO of ICA Sverige AB and Deputy CEO of ICA Gruppen AB, and Director of Svensk Dagligvaruhandel Ekonomisk förening and ICA Banken AB. Former Senior Vice President of Arla Foods Consumer Nordic and CEO of Arla Foods Sweden, various roles at Procter Gamble Nordic and Procter & Gamble UK, including Logistics Manager Nordic and Sales Manager Sweden.
Other significant professional committments:
Chairman of Svensk Handel AB, Stadium AB, Cibonum Group AB and Road Mobility Services Group (RMS Group) AB. Director of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Misdona AB, Nicoya AB (publ) and Reocean AB.
3 000 B-shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
Master of Science in Business and Economics, as well as Master of International Business at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).
Other significant professional committments:
CEO of Norwegian Property AS and Board member of Fabege AB (publ.).

Principal education and professional experience:
Law degree. Former director and CEO of Handelsbanken, where she has been employed 1986-2024 in a variety of different managerial positions with results responsibility.
Other significant professional committments:
Board Member in Holmen AB, IVA:s Näringslivsråd, as well as in the World Childhood Foundation.
1 250 B-shares.

Principal education and professional experience:
Senior high school. Employed by SkiStar since 1998.
Other significant professional committments:

Principal education and professional experience:
Upper secondary education. BAC School of Economics Employed by SkiStar since 2023. Previous professional experience from Saint-Gobain, Riksbyggen and TeliaSonera. Worked abroad for 20 years. Employed by SkiStar since 2023.
Other significant professional committments:
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