SkiStar publishes Annual and Sustainability Report for 2022/23

August 21, 2024
Press release
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SkiStar AB (publ) publishes the Annual and Sustainability Report for the financial year 2022/23 on SkiStar’s web page, The Swedish Annual Report 2022/23 is also available on SkiStar's website in European Single Electronic Format (ESEF).

This information is information that SkiStar AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 15 November 2023, 07.00 a.m. CET.

Further information can be reached from:
Stefan Sjöstrand, CEO, tel +46 (0)280 841 60.
Martin Almgren, CFO, tel +46 (0)280 841 60.

SkiStar in brief
The mountain tourism company SkiStar AB (publ) is listed on the Mid Cap list of the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. The Group owns and operates alpine ski resorts in Sälen, Vemdalen, Åre and Hammarbybacken (Stockholm) in Sweden, and Hemsedal and Trysil in Norway. Our operations are divided into three segments: Operation of Ski Resorts, Property Development & Exploitation and Operation of Hotels. As the leading holiday organiser for Scandinavia, SkiStar’s business concept is to create memorable mountain experiences, develop sustainable destinations and offer accommodation, activities, products and services of the highest quality with our guests as our focus. For more information, see

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